For anyone who is interested in joining the Geisler & Geisler-Lee Laboratory for his/her graduate studies:
I. Qualifications for Graduate Student Applicants:
You will need academic transcripts. You should have very good - excellent GPAs (preferred 3.6 and above) from all your undergraduate and graduate institutions, GRE score(s), and TOEEL/IELTS score(s) if you are an international student.
Secure your GRE and TOEEL/IELTS scores at least 2-3 months before the application deadlines.
You will also need a personal statement stating your background and research interests (approximately 2-3 pages).
You will ask three reference letters from your employers and/or instructors/supervisors/advisors commenting on the strengths and weaknesses of your personality, temperament, interpersonal relationship, and ability to do research.
II. Financial Support for Graduate Student Applicants:
You will be responsible to your financial support.
If you are an international student, you will need a full financial statement disclosure in your application, depending on the requirement of the institute.
You are encouraged to apply for financial support, e.g., government scholarships and foundation fellowships. This should be explored and done at least 1-1.5 years before your intended admission date.
III. Official applications for Graduate Student Applicants:
Once your financial support is secured and/or on the process, you contact our laboratory to discuss research directions and serve as your future advisor. Only Dr. Matt Geisler can be your main advisor. Dr. Jane Geisler-Lee will not accept any graduate student but will accept a visiting scholar with his/her funding for the duration of his/her training program.
You submit all the requirements in time. At least one month before the deadline, so your submitted materials can be reviewed whether anything is missing and whether needs a replacement.
Only autumn admissions are accepted; there are no summer or spring admissions.
IV. Suggested time line:
11-12 months before the application deadline (BTAD). Look for and apply for financial support.
8-10 months BTAD. Prepare GRE (and TOEEL/IELTS)
5-7 months BTAD. Search for research topics and advisors. Contact tentative advisors for the availability in their research groups.
3-4 months BTAD. Contact references for reference letters, acquire official transcripts, prepare all requirements. Take GRE (and TOEEL/IELTS)
1-2 months BTAD.. Contact tentative advisors and submit application requirements.
1-4 months after the application deadline (ATAD). Visit/have teleconference with your tentative advisor to prepare your future studies. Follow the recommended materials to fill your deficiency.
5-8 months ATAD. Get ready with admission letter (for visa issuance if international student), prepare luggage, pre-arrange housing.
V. Qualifications we are looking for:
Ability to work independently but also in a team.