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For anyone who is interested in joining the Geisler & Geisler-Lee Laboratory for his/her graduate studies:

I. Qualifications for Graduate Student Applicants:

  • You will need academic transcripts. You should have very good - excellent GPAs (preferred 3.6 and above) from all your undergraduate and graduate institutions, GRE score(s), and TOEEL/IELTS score(s) if you are an international student.

  • Secure your GRE and TOEEL/IELTS scores at least 2-3 months before the application deadlines.

  • You will also need a personal statement stating your background and research interests (approximately 2-3 pages).

  • You will ask three reference letters from your employers and/or instructors/supervisors/advisors commenting on the strengths and weaknesses of your personality, temperament, interpersonal relationship, and ability to do research.


II. Financial Support for Graduate Student Applicants:

  • You will be responsible to your financial support.

  • If you are an international student, you will need a full financial statement disclosure in your application, depending on the requirement of the institute.

  • You are encouraged to apply for financial support, e.g., government scholarships and foundation fellowships. This should be explored and done at least 1-1.5 years before your intended admission date.


III. Official applications for Graduate Student Applicants:

  • Once your financial support is secured and/or on the process,  you contact our laboratory to discuss research directions and serve as your future advisor. Only Dr. Matt Geisler can be your main advisor. Dr. Jane Geisler-Lee will not accept any graduate student but will accept a visiting scholar with his/her funding for the duration of his/her training program.

  • You submit all the requirements in time. At least one month before the deadline, so your submitted materials can be reviewed whether anything is missing and whether needs a replacement.

  • Only autumn admissions are accepted; there are no summer or spring admissions.

IV. Suggested time line:

  • 11-12 months before the application deadline (BTAD). Look for and apply for financial support.

  • 8-10 months BTAD. Prepare GRE (and TOEEL/IELTS)

  • 5-7 months BTAD. Search for research topics and advisors. Contact tentative advisors for the availability in their research groups.

  • 3-4 months BTAD. Contact references for reference letters, acquire official transcripts, prepare all requirements. Take GRE (and TOEEL/IELTS)

  • 1-2 months BTAD.. Contact tentative advisors and submit application requirements.

  • 1-4 months after the application deadline (ATAD). Visit/have teleconference with your tentative advisor to prepare your future studies. Follow the recommended materials to fill your deficiency.

  • 5-8 months ATAD. Get ready with admission letter (for visa issuance if international student), prepare luggage, pre-arrange housing.


V. Qualifications we are looking for:

  • Honesty;

  • Perseverance;

  • Curiosity/Creativity;

  • Ability to work independently but also in a team.

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